The functions summary.ctp.str and Display.ctp.str summarise and plot the hypothesis tree of a closed testing procedure, whereas the functions summary.ctp and Display.ctp summarise and plot the results of a closed testing procedure.

# S3 method for ctp
summary(object, digits = 4, ...)

# S3 method for ctp.str
summary(object, ...)

Display(object, ...)

# S3 method for ctp
Display(object, Type = "s", arrow = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for ctp.str
Display(object, Type = "s", arrow = FALSE, ...)



Object generated by AnalyseCTP or IntersectHypotheses.


The minimum number of significant digits to be printed for the p-values in the summary.


Additional arguments passed to Display.


Type of the plotted tree: "s" straight lines, "" tree type.


If TRUE, an arrow is plotted in the connections.


  • summary.ctp.str provides lists with dataframes comprising the hypothesis names as strings and the relationship between the hypotheses.

  • summary.ctp provides a table of hypotheses, raw p-values and adjusted p-values.


@name Generic_Functions

@aliases summary Display


Disply.ctp.str plots the hypothesis tree.
Display.ctp plots the hypothesis tree together with the unadjusted and adjusted p-values.

See also