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Introduction to Type I/II/III Hypothesis Testing

Type I/II/III hypothesis testing originates from analysis of variance, however, Goodnight (1980) suggests viewing this issue as hypothesis testing of fixed effects in linear models, which avoid the “usual assumptions” and defined three types of estimable functions. Given that type I estimable functions are dependent on the specific order of used covariates, we focus on the type II and III testing here.

For MMRM, obtaining estimable functions is equivalent to obtaining the contrasts for linear hypothesis tests. For more details, see Goodnight (1980).

Contained Effect

Before we discuss the testing, it is important that we understand the concept of “contained effect”. The definition of “contained effect” is:

For effect E2E_2, it is said to contain E1E_1 if

  1. the involved numerical covariate(s) are identical for these two effects
  2. all the categorical covariate(s) associated with E1E_1 are also associated with E2E_2

For example, for the following model formula

Y=A+B+A*BY = A + B + A*B

using EAE_A, EBE_B and EA*BE_{A*B} to denote the effect for AA, BB and A*BA*B respectively, we have

  1. If AA and BB are both categorical, then EA*BE_{A*B} contains EAE_{A} and EBE_{B}.
  2. If AA and BB are both numerical, then EA*BE_{A*B} do not contain EAE_{A} or EBE_{B}.
  3. If AA is categorical and BB is numerical, then EA*BE_{A*B} contains EBE_{B} but not EAE_{A}.

Type II Hypothesis Testing

For type II hypothesis testing, the contrasts can be obtained through the following steps:

Create a contrast matrix LL, with rows equal to the number of parameters associated with the effect, columns equal to the number of all parameters.

  1. All columns of LL associated with effect not containing E1E_1 (except E1E_1) are set to 0.
  2. The submatrix of LL associated with E1E_1 is set to (X1MX1)X1MX1(X_1^\top M X_1)^{-}X_1^\top M X_1
  3. Each of the remaining submatrices of L associated with an effect E2E_2 that contains E1E_1 is (X1MX1)X1MX2(X_1^\top M X_1)^{-}X_1^\top M X_2

where X0X_0 stands for columns of XX whose associated effect do not contain E1E_1, X1X_1 stands for columns of XX associated with E1E_1, X2X_2 stands for columns of XX whose associated effect contains E1E_1, M=IX0(X0X0)X0M = I - X_0(X_0^\top X_0)^{-}X_0^\top, and ZZ^{-} stands for the g2 inverse of ZZ.

Note: Here we do not allow for singularity in general, so the g2 inverse is just the usual inverse. Thus we can use an identity matrix as the submatrix in step 2.

Using fev_data to create our example, we have

fit <- mmrm(FEV1 ~ ARMCD + RACE + ARMCD * RACE + ar1(AVISIT | USUBJID), data = fev_data)

For this given example, we would like to test the effect of RACE, ERACEE_{RACE}. We initialize the contrast matrix with

μARMCDRACERACEARMCD:RACEARMCD:RACE000000000000 \begin{matrix} \mu & ARMCD & RACE & RACE & ARMCD:RACE & ARMCD:RACE\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ \end{matrix}

Please note that this is a 2×62\times 6 matrix, the rows is the number of coefficients that is associated with RACE, and the columns is the total number of coefficients 6.

Then following step 2, we filled in the identity matrix in the corresponding submatrix

μARMCDRACERACEARMCD:RACEARMCD:RACE001000000100 \begin{matrix} \mu & ARMCD & RACE & RACE & ARMCD:RACE & ARMCD:RACE\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0\\ \end{matrix}

In the last step, for the last 2 columns, we fill the values with the calculated result.

x <- component(fit, "x_matrix")
x0 <- x[, c(1, 2)]
x1 <- x[, c(3, 4)]
x2 <- x[, c(5, 6)]
m <- diag(rep(1, nrow(x))) - x0 %*% solve(t(x0) %*% x0) %*% t(x0) # solve is used because the matrix is inversible
sub_mat <- solve(t(x1) %*% m %*% x1) %*% t(x1) %*% m %*% x2
##                               ARMCDTRT:RACEBlack or African American
## RACEBlack or African American                             0.42618692
## RACEWhite                                                -0.04372702
##                               ARMCDTRT:RACEWhite
## RACEBlack or African American         0.02751985
## RACEWhite                             0.58570969

μARMCDRACERACEARMCD:RACEARMCD:RACE00100.426186920.0275198500010.043727020.58570969 \begin{matrix} \mu & ARMCD & RACE & RACE & ARMCD:RACE & ARMCD:RACE\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0.42618692 & 0.02751985\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & -0.04372702 & 0.58570969\\ \end{matrix}

Type III Hypothesis Testing

For type III hypothesis testing, we assume that the hypothesis tested should be the same for all designs with the same general form of estimable functions. It can be defined with the following steps:

Create a contrast matrix LL, with rows equal to the number of parameters associated with the effect, columns equal to the number of all parameters.

  1. All columns of LL associated with effect not containing E1E_1 (except E1E_1) are set to 0.
  2. The submatrix of LL associated with E1E_1 is set to identity matrix.
  3. For each of the remaining submatrices of L associated with an effect E2E_2 that contains E1E_1, equate the values.

Here equate the values means that, given that the coefficients in step 2 are all 1 (diagonal), in step 3 this 1 is divided by the total number of new levels.

Using the same example for type II testing, we also would like to test the effect of RACE, ERACEE_{RACE}. We initialize the contrast matrix with

μARMCDRACERACEARMCD:RACEARMCD:RACE000000000000 \begin{matrix} \mu & ARMCD & RACE & RACE & ARMCD:RACE & ARMCD:RACE\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ \end{matrix}

Then following step 2, we filled in the identity matrix in the corresponding submatrix

μARMCDRACERACEARMCD:RACEARMCD:RACE001000000100 \begin{matrix} \mu & ARMCD & RACE & RACE & ARMCD:RACE & ARMCD:RACE\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0\\ \end{matrix}

In the last step, for the last 2 columns, we fill the values to equate the coefficients in the sub matrix. We use the coefficients for RACE, and divide it by the additional levels (there is interaction between ARMCD and RACE, the additional covariate ARMCD has 2 levels) and we get 0.5 for the coefficients.

μARMCDRACERACEARMCD:RACEARMCD:RACE00100.50000100.5 \begin{matrix} \mu & ARMCD & RACE & RACE & ARMCD:RACE & ARMCD:RACE\\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0.5 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 0.5\\ \end{matrix}

Similarly, if we are testing the effect of ARMCD we will have the following contrast because RACE has 3 levels.

μARMCDRACERACEARMCD:RACEARMCD:RACE01001313 \begin{matrix} \mu & ARMCD & RACE & RACE & ARMCD:RACE & ARMCD:RACE\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 & \frac{1}{3} & \frac{1}{3}\\ \end{matrix}

Hypothesis Testing in SAS

In PROC MIXED we can specify HTYPE=1,2,3 to enable these hypothesis testings, and we can use option e1 e2 e3 to view the estimable functions.

Special Considerations

Reference Levels

For PROC MIXED, it is important that the categorical values have the correct order, especially for structured covariance (otherwise the correlation between visits can be messed up). We usually use CLASS variable(REF=) to define the reference level. However, SAS will put the reference level in the last, so if the visit variable is included in fixed effect, there can be issues with the comparison between SAS and R, as in R we still use the first level as our reference.

When we conduct the hypothesis testing, we will also face this issue. If reference level is different, the testing we have can be different, e.g. if we have 3 levels, l1l_1, l2l_2 and l3l_3. In theory we can test either l2l1l_2 - l_1, l3l1l_3 - l_1 (using l1l_1 as reference), or test l1l3l_1 - l_3, l2l3l_2 - l_3 (using l3l_3 as reference). But the result will be slightly different. However, if we have identical tests the result will be closer. The following example illustrate this.

Example of Reference Levels

Assume in SAS we have the following model

PROC MIXED DATA = fev cl method=reml;
  MODEL FEV1 = ARMCD AVISIT ARMCD*AVISIT / ddfm=satterthwaite htype=3;
  REPEATED AVISIT / subject=USUBJID type=ar(1);

And in R we have the following model

fit <- mmrm(FEV1 ~ ARMCD + AVISIT + ARMCD * AVISIT + ar1(AVISIT | USUBJID), data = fev_data)

Note that for AVISIT there are 4 levels, VIS1, VIS2, VIS3 and VIS4. In SAS VIS4 is the reference, while in R VIS1 is the reference.

They both use the following matrix to test the effect of AVISIT (ignoring other part of contrasts that is not associated with AVISIT)

100010001 \begin{matrix} 1 & 0 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1\\ \end{matrix}

But given that the reference level is different, we are testing different things. In SAS we are testing VIS1 - VIS4, VIS2 - VIS4 and VIS3 - VIS4, while in R we are testing VIS2 - VIS1, VIS3 - VIS1 and VIS4 - VIS1.

To correctly test VIS1 - VIS4, VIS2 - VIS4 and VIS3 - VIS4 in R, we need to update the contrast to the following matrix (ignoring the other part) to get a closer result.

010001111 \begin{matrix} 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 0 & 1\\ -1 & -1 & -1\\ \end{matrix}

Why Model Covariate Order Changes My Testing in SAS?

For type II/III testing, it is true that the order of covariate should not affect the result. However, if there is an interaction term, the reference level can be changed. With different reference levels the result will be slightly different.

Why mmrm Gives More Covariates Than SAS?

For PROC MIXED, if a model is specified as follows


Then it is equivalent to the following mmrm model




Because SAS will not include the covariate FEV1_BL by default, unless manually added. However in R we will add FEV1_BL by default. Please note that in this example we exclude the covariance structure part.

Goodnight JH (1980). “Tests of Hypotheses in Fixed Effects Linear Models.” Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 9(2), 167–180.