mmrm 0.3.14
CRAN release: 2024-09-27
Bug Fixes
- In version 0.3.13, when the tape optimizer from
was switched on, a warning would be given byfit_mmrm()
, instructing users to turn off the tape optimizer. However, this is not necessary for reproducible results. Instead, it is now checked whether the deterministic hash for theTMB
tape optimizer is used, and a warning is issued otherwise. - In version 0.3.13, the above described warning by
was not visible to the user when callingmmrm()
because it was caught internally, causing the first fit in each session to fail for the first tried optimizer and falling back to the other optimizers. The warning is now issued directly bymmrm()
. This change ensures that the first model fit is consistent regarding the chosen optimizer (and thus numeric results) with subsequent model fits, avoiding discrepancies observed in version 0.3.13.
mmrm 0.3.13
CRAN release: 2024-09-23
Bug Fixes
- When running with
package versions below 1.9.15, MMRM fit results are not completely reproducible. While this may not be relevant for most applications, because the numerical differences are very small, we now issue a warning to the user if this is the case. We advise users to upgrade theirTMB
package versions to 1.9.15 or higher to ensure reproducibility. - Previously,
ignored contrasts defined for covariates in the input data set. This is fixed now. - Previously,
always required the response to be valid, even for unconditional predictions. This is fixed now and unconditional prediction does not require the response to be valid or present any longer. -
has been updated to ensure that thena.action
works correctly. - Previously
for spatial covariance structures. This is fixed now. - Previously
gave incorrect results if an interaction term is included and the covariate of interest was not the first categorical variable. This is fixed now. - Previously
failed if the model did not contain an intercept. This is fixed now.
- Upon fitting an MMRM, it is checked whether a not reproducible optimization feature of
is turned on. If so, a warning is issued to the user once per session. -
now checks on the positive definiteness of the covariance matrixtheta_vcov
. If it is not positive definite, non-convergence is messaged appropriately. -
has been updated to ensure that theNA
values are dropped. Additionally, an argumentuse_response
is added to decide whether records withNA
values in the response should be discarded. -
has been updated to allow duplicated subject IDs for unconditional prediction.
mmrm 0.3.12
CRAN release: 2024-06-26
mmrm 0.3.8
CRAN release: 2024-01-24
New Features
is implemented formmrm
models and available upon loading thecar
package. It supports type II and III hypothesis testing. - The argument
is updated to allow better choices of initial values. -
models will give t-based confidence intervals now, instead of the normal approximation.
Bug Fixes
- Previously if the first optimizer failed, the best successful fit among the remaining optimizers was not returned correctly. This is fixed now.
- In documentation of
, the allowedvcov
definition is corrected to “Empirical-Jackknife” (CR3), and “Empirical-Bias-Reduced” (CR2). - Fixed a compiler warning related to missing format specification.
- If an empty contrast matrix is provided to
, it will return statistics withNA
mmrm 0.3.7
CRAN release: 2023-12-08
New Features
- The argument
now only specifies the method used for the degrees of freedom adjustment. - Add empirical, empirical Jackknife and empirical bias-reduced adjusted coefficients covariance estimates, which can be specified via the new
argument ofmmrm()
. - Add residual and between-within degrees of freedom methods.
- Add Kenward-Roger support for spatial covariance structures.
- Add
methods to assist in post-processing. - Add
method to obtain conditional mean estimates and prediction intervals. - Add
method to simulate observations from the predictive distribution. - Add
method to obtain raw, Pearson or normalized residuals. - Add
methods to tidy the fit results into summary tables. - Add
framework support via aparsnip
interface. - Add argument
to allow for easier programmatic access to specifying the model’s covariance structure and to expose covariance customization through thetidymodels
Bug Fixes
- Previously
follows the global optionna.action
and if it is set other than"na.omit"
an assertion would fail. This is now fixed and henceNA
values are always removed prior to model fitting, independent of the globalna.action
option. - Previously a
call on anmmrm
object with transformed terms, or new data, e.g.model.frame(mmrm(Y ~ log(X) + ar1(VISIT|ID), data = new_data)
, would fail. This is now fixed. - Previously
always required adata
argument. Now fittingmmrm
can also use environment variables instead of requiringdata
argument. (Note thatfit_mmrm
is not affected.) - Previously
failed when using transformed terms or not including the visit variable in the model formula. This is now fixed. - Previously
might provide non-finite values in the Jacobian calculations, leading to errors in the Satterthwaite degrees of freedom calculations. This will raise an error now and thus alert the user that the model fit was not successful.
- Use automatic differentiation to calculate Satterthwaite adjusted degrees of freedom, resulting in 10-fold speed-up of the Satterthwaite calculations after the initial model fit.
- Add an interactive confirmation step if the number of visit levels is too large for non-spatial covariance structures. Use
options(mmrm.max_visits = )
to specify the maximum number of visits allowed in non-interactive mode. - Removed
in favor ofparallelly::availableCores(omit = 1)
. - The
method has been updated: Thefull
argument is deprecated and theinclude
argument can be used instead; by default all relevant variables are returned. Furthermore, it returns adata.frame
the size of the number of observations utilized in the model for all combinations of theinclude
argument whenna.action= "na.omit"
. - Overall, seven vignettes have been added to the package. All vignettes have a slightly different look now to reduce the size of the overall R package on CRAN.
- The used optimizer is now available via
component(., "optimizer")
instead of previouslyattr(., "optimizer")
mmrm 0.2.2
CRAN release: 2022-12-20
New Features
- Add support for Kenward-Roger adjusted coefficients covariance matrix and degrees of freedom in
function call with argumentmethod
. Options are “Kenward-Roger”, “Kenward-Roger-Linear” and “Satterthwaite” (which is still the default). Subsequent methods calls will respect this initial choice, e.g.vcov(fit)
will return the adjusted coefficients covariance matrix if a Kenward-Roger method has been used. - Update the
arguments to allow users more fine-grained control, e.g.mmrm(..., start = start, optimizer = c("BFGS", "nlminb"))
to set the starting values for the variance estimates and to choose the available optimizers. These arguments will be passed to the new functionmmrm_control
. - Add new argument
to allow users to keep all levels in visits, even when they are not observed in the data. Dropping unobserved levels was done silently previously, and now a message will be given. See?mmrm_control
for more details.
Bug Fixes
- Previously duplicate time points could be present for a single subject, and this could lead to segmentation faults if more than the total number of unique time points were available for any subject. Now it is checked that there are no duplicate time points per subject, and this is explained also in the function documentation and the introduction vignette.
- Previously in
calls, theweights
object in the environment where the formula is defined was replaced by theweights
used internally. Now this behavior is removed and your variableweights
e.g. in the global environment will no longer be replaced.
mmrm 0.1.5
CRAN release: 2022-10-18
- First CRAN version of the package.
- The package fits mixed models for repeated measures (MMRM) based on the marginal linear model without random effects.
- The motivation for this package is to have a fast, reliable (in terms of convergence behavior) and feature complete implementation of MMRM in R.
New Features
- Currently 10 covariance structures are supported (unstructured; as well as homogeneous and heterogeneous versions of Toeplitz, auto-regressive order one, ante-dependence, compound symmetry; and spatial exponential).
- Fast C++ implementation of Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML) estimation.
- Currently Satterthwaite adjusted degrees of freedom calculation is supported.
- Interface to the
package for computing estimated marginal means (also called least-square means) for the coefficients. - Multiple optimizers are run to reach convergence in as many cases as possible.
- Flexible formula based model specification and support for standard S3 methods such as
, etc.