Added pkgdown GHA workflow to automatically update documentation site with pushes to main
Bug fixes
Fixed inconsistencies in app messages when saving a review for a form with items with different review states (with some items reviewed previously by a different reviewer, and some items being completely new).
Fixed a bug where clinsight deployed with shinyproxy would crash when a user with non-ASCII letters in their name would attempt to login. In this new version, when using the shinyproxy deployment configuration, the user name is now expected to be base64 encoded, and will now be base64 encoded by clinsight by default, so that the app can also handle non-ASCII signs in user names that are stored in HTTP headers. To display the user name correctly, use base64 encoding in the application.yml in ShinyProxy settings (for example: http-headers.X_SP_USERNAME: "#{T(java.util.Base64).getEncoder().encodeToString(oidcUser.getFullName().getBytes())}").
clinsight 0.1.0
Improved metadata so that external file can be used.
Improved data loading by using a config file.
Created two renv profiles, one for development and one for production. Goal is to minimize the package dependencies of the production version.
Removed development package dependencies (for example devtools) that were not needed to run the application.
Improved data anonymization.
Changed license.
Updated Description file.
Improved reading of data files within clinsight::run_app()
Improved creating test result report.
Added data specification to run_app() documentation
Merged data now has an attribute ‘synch_time’ which will be used to update the synchronization information in the side bar.
user roles as defined in the config.yml will now be shown at several places in the application and will be documented alongside the user name if needed.
Provided scaffolding for developers who plan to deploy on Posit Connect
Improved dataTable outputs
Move shinymanager to suggests since it is optional to use it.
Add functionality to mark which forms are required to review and which are not.
Improved required column verification of metadata columns when reading metadata using get_metadata().
Improved visibility of queries, especially with longer query text and with smaller screen resolutions. Adds option to view query details in full screen.
Bug fixes
Fixed error of creating adverse events table with empty data frame input.
Properly handled zero regions selected in review configuration and provided user feedback.
Fixed issue with the timeline figure when a subject had no completed events.
Fixed pre-processing bug where get_metadata() would error when a metadata.xlsx tab exist, but were empty
Fixed error when running golem::run_dev() when clinsight was not installed.
Fixed error that the app did not recognize the user roles when using shinymanager.
Fixed issue that item names and query types were not showing up in queries in PDF report.
Fixed an issue in the query system that duplicate item names in the same person and same form could not be distinguished from each other.