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A Shiny module. Used to display all raised queries.


mod_queries_server(id, r, navinfo, all_forms, db_path, table_names)



Character string, used to connect the module UI with the module Server.


Common reactive values. Used to access the data frame query_data, and the reviewers' user_name. User name is needed for creating a follow-up to an existing query.


Common reactive values. Used to send back the request for the change in form/subject id back to the server. Contains the character strings active_form, active_tab, and trigger_page_change. The module will create these variables if they are not yet available in navinfo.


A data frame containing two columns: a column named "form" with all the form to navigate through in the correct order, and a column named "main_tab", showing the name of the main_tab in which the form can be found.


A character string with the path to the database.


An optional character vector. If provided, will be used within datatable_custom(), to improve the column names in the final interactive tables.


The module displays all raised queries in a table. Upon clicking on a query, the query follow-up messages will be shown. In addition, it will be possible to write a follow-up message. The logic for writing the follow-up message is extracted in a different module, named mod_query_follow_up_server(). New queries are created in the module mod_query_add_server(). The button to initiate this module can be found in the main sidebar mod_main_sidebar_server().