Creates a data frame containing info about available data per individual,
such as visits, adverse events, etc. Will be used in module
, to select available items to create a query for per
individual and per form. Required columns are the ones distinctively
identifying an item. For now that are site_code, event_name, subject_id,
event_label, item_group, item_name.
- data
list of data frames to be used. Will be used for extracting the variables of interest from the study-specific forms.
- tables
list of tables to be used. Will be used for extracting the variables of interest from the common forms.
- all_forms
A data frame containing all forms. Mandatory columns are "form" (containing the form names), and "main_tab" (containing the tab name where the form should be located).
- form_repeat_name
A character string with the name of the
variable. This variable (with this name) will be added to the item name if duplicate names exist for each participant.