Install {gsm}

devtools::install_github("Gilead-BioStats/gsm", ref = "main")


The {gsm} R package provides a standardized Risk Based Quality Monitoring (RBQM) framework for clinical trials that pairs a flexible data pipeline with robust reports. It also uses Funnel Plots to flag outliers which provide broader tolerance limits for sites with low exposure and narrower limits for sites with higher exposure. This method is different to the event rate based limits we have used in previous heuristics to measure {simaerep} performance. Funnel plots are discussed in greater detail by Zink et al. 2018

One of the draw backs of using funnel plots for flagging is that they assume that the AE rate remains constant over the course of the study.

Prepare Data

Load Portfolio Configurations

We have prepared a snapshot of the AE reporting configuration of our current portfolio. For each study we have also measured a visit-specific AE rate which allows us to generate a synthetic portfolio with flexible AE rates across a study.

df_config <- readr::read_csv("ae_conf_20240220.csv")
df_ae_rates <- readr::read_csv("ae_rates_20240220.csv")

df_config %>%
  head(25) %>%
study_id ae_per_visit_mean site_number max_visit_sd max_visit_mean n_pat
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.5355339 16.50000 2
0001 0.2973806 4747 0.7071068 27.50000 2
0001 0.2973806 4750 0.5000000 19.25000 4
0001 0.2973806 4815 8.3765546 22.16667 6
0001 0.2973806 4816 0.0000000 27.00000 1
0001 0.2973806 4817 0.0000000 31.00000 1
0001 0.2973806 4818 0.0000000 30.00000 1
0001 0.2973806 4891 2.3804761 22.00000 7
0001 0.2973806 4893 0.0000000 20.00000 2
0001 0.2973806 4932 1.0954451 26.80000 5
0001 0.2973806 4941 1.7320508 27.00000 3
0001 0.2973806 4942 1.4142136 25.00000 2
0001 0.2973806 4943 0.0000000 25.00000 1
0001 0.2973806 4966 0.0000000 18.00000 1
0001 0.2973806 4967 0.8164966 18.00000 4
0001 0.2973806 4968 0.0000000 24.00000 1
0001 0.2973806 4969 1.5275252 21.33333 3
0001 0.2973806 4984 1.7078251 30.75000 4
0001 0.2973806 4985 8.9087972 21.16667 6
0001 0.2973806 4986 0.5773503 20.33333 3
0001 0.2973806 4988 1.4142136 19.00000 2
0001 0.2973806 5079 2.1602469 23.00000 4
0001 0.2973806 5080 0.0000000 23.00000 1
0001 0.2973806 5081 0.0000000 23.00000 1
0001 0.2973806 5082 1.4142136 22.00000 2
df_ae_rates %>%
  head(25) %>%
study_id cum_visit ae_rate n_pat
0001 1 0.017699 113
0001 2 0.088496 113
0001 3 0.230088 113
0001 4 0.223214 112
0001 5 0.187500 112
0001 6 0.196429 112
0001 7 0.396396 111
0001 8 0.207207 111
0001 9 0.216216 111
0001 10 0.315315 111
0001 11 0.263636 110
0001 12 0.318182 110
0001 13 0.345455 110
0001 14 0.379630 108
0001 15 0.401869 107
0001 16 0.485981 107
0001 17 0.383178 107
0001 18 0.396226 106
0001 19 0.370000 100
0001 20 0.439560 91
0001 21 0.369863 73
0001 22 0.370968 62
0001 23 0.345455 55
0001 24 0.446809 47
0001 25 0.292683 41

Simulate Portfolio

We generate two synthetic portfolios with no AE under-reporting sites. One portfolio with a fixed AE rate for all visits and another one with a flexible visit-specific AE rate.

df_portf_fix <- sim_test_data_portfolio(df_config, parallel = TRUE, progress = TRUE)

df_portf_fix %>%
  head(25) %>%
study_id ae_per_visit_mean site_number max_visit_sd max_visit_mean patnum visit n_ae
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0001 1 2
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0001 2 2
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0001 3 2
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0001 4 2
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0001 5 2
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0001 6 2
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0001 7 4
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0001 8 5
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0001 9 6
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0001 10 6
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0001 11 6
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0001 12 6
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0001 13 8
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0002 1 0
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0002 2 0
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0002 3 0
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0002 4 0
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0002 5 0
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0002 6 0
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0002 7 0
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0002 8 0
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0002 9 1
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0002 10 1
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0002 11 1
0001 0.2973806 4746 3.535534 16.5 0002 12 1
df_portf_flex <- sim_test_data_portfolio(df_config, df_ae_rates = df_ae_rates, parallel = TRUE, progress = TRUE)

Compare AE rates

Next we confirm the different AE rates in our two synthetic portfolios.

df_rate_fix <- df_portf_fix %>%
  mutate(ae_rate = coalesce(n_ae - lag(n_ae), n_ae), .by = c("study_id", "patnum")) %>%
  summarise(ae_rate = mean(ae_rate), .by = c("study_id", "visit")) %>%
  mutate(rate = "fix")

df_rate_flex <- df_portf_flex %>%
  mutate(ae_rate = coalesce(n_ae - lag(n_ae), n_ae), .by = c("study_id", "patnum")) %>%
  summarise(ae_rate = mean(ae_rate), .by = c("study_id", "visit")) %>%
  mutate(rate = "flex")
bind_rows(df_rate_flex, df_rate_fix) %>%
  ggplot(aes(visit, ae_rate)) +
    geom_line(aes(group = study_id), alpha = 0.2) +
    geom_smooth() +
    facet_wrap(~ rate) +
    labs(title = "Average AE rates per Study")

bind_rows(df_rate_flex, df_rate_fix) %>%
  filter(dense_rank(study_id) <= 16) %>%
  ggplot(aes(visit, ae_rate)) +
    geom_line(aes(group = rate, color = rate)) +
    facet_wrap(~ study_id, scales = "free") +
    labs(title = "Average AE rates for Selected Studies")

We can confirm that the AE rates in the “flexible” portfolio are not constant. Moreover we see that the AE rate profile is very unique for each study.

Apply {gsm}


Here we demonstrate how to use the {gsm} package on our simulated portfolios.

get_SUBJ <- function(df_portf) {
  df_portf %>%
    select(study_id, siteid = site_number, subjid = patnum, timeonstudy = visit) %>%
    summarise(timeonstudy = max(timeonstudy), .by = c(study_id, siteid, subjid)) %>%
    group_by(study_id) %>%

get_AE <- function(df_portf) {
  df_portf_fix %>%
    select(study_id, subjid = patnum, n_ae) %>%
    summarise(n_ae = max(n_ae), .by = c(study_id, subjid)) %>%
    filter(n_ae > 0) %>%
    mutate(n_ae = map(n_ae, ~ tibble(n = seq(1, .)), .progress = TRUE)) %>%
    unnest(n_ae) %>%
    select(- n) %>%
    group_by(study_id) %>%

dfSUBJ_fix <- get_SUBJ(df_portf_fix)
dfAE_fix <- get_AE(df_portf_fix)
dfInput <- gsm::AE_Map_Raw(list(dfSUBJ = dfSUBJ_fix$data[[1]], dfAE = dfAE_fix$data[[1]]))
## # A tibble: 113 × 5
##    SubjectID SiteID Exposure Count  Rate
##    <chr>     <chr>     <int> <int> <dbl>
##  1 0001      4746         13     8 0.615
##  2 0002      4746         20     5 0.25 
##  3 0003      4747         27    10 0.370
##  4 0004      4747         26     9 0.346
##  5 0005      4750         19     7 0.368
##  6 0006      4750         19     4 0.211
##  7 0007      4750         20     3 0.15 
##  8 0008      4750         19     3 0.158
##  9 0009      4815          9     4 0.444
## 10 0010      4815         32    12 0.375
## # ℹ 103 more rows
dfTransformed <- gsm::Transform_Rate(
  strNumeratorCol = "Count",
  strDenominatorCol = "Exposure"
## # A tibble: 44 × 4
##    GroupID Numerator Denominator Metric
##    <chr>       <int>       <int>  <dbl>
##  1 4746           13          33  0.394
##  2 4747           19          53  0.358
##  3 4750           17          77  0.221
##  4 4815           50         147  0.340
##  5 4816            6          27  0.222
##  6 4817           13          31  0.419
##  7 4818            7          30  0.233
##  8 4891           46         146  0.315
##  9 4893           14          40  0.35 
## 10 4932           42         135  0.311
## # ℹ 34 more rows
dfAnalyzed <- gsm::Analyze_NormalApprox(dfTransformed)
## # A tibble: 44 × 7
##    GroupID Numerator Denominator Metric OverallMetric Factor  Score
##    <chr>       <int>       <int>  <dbl>         <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 5084            2          21 0.0952         0.307   1.10 -2.00 
##  2 5168            8          44 0.182          0.307   1.10 -1.71 
##  3 4750           17          77 0.221          0.307   1.10 -1.56 
##  4 5080            4          23 0.174          0.307   1.10 -1.32 
##  5 5081            4          23 0.174          0.307   1.10 -1.32 
##  6 5111            6          31 0.194          0.307   1.10 -1.30 
##  7 5082           10          45 0.222          0.307   1.10 -1.17 
##  8 5311            4          20 0.2            0.307   1.10 -0.987
##  9 4942           12          50 0.24           0.307   1.10 -0.976
## 10 5273           10          42 0.238          0.307   1.10 -0.920
## # ℹ 34 more rows
dfFlagged <- gsm::Flag_NormalApprox(dfAnalyzed, vThreshold = c(-3, -2, 2, 3))
## # A tibble: 44 × 8
##    GroupID Numerator Denominator Metric OverallMetric Factor  Score  Flag
##    <chr>       <int>       <int>  <dbl>         <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 5084            2          21 0.0952         0.307   1.10 -2.00     -1
##  2 5168            8          44 0.182          0.307   1.10 -1.71      0
##  3 4750           17          77 0.221          0.307   1.10 -1.56      0
##  4 5080            4          23 0.174          0.307   1.10 -1.32      0
##  5 5081            4          23 0.174          0.307   1.10 -1.32      0
##  6 5111            6          31 0.194          0.307   1.10 -1.30      0
##  7 5082           10          45 0.222          0.307   1.10 -1.17      0
##  8 5311            4          20 0.2            0.307   1.10 -0.987     0
##  9 4942           12          50 0.24           0.307   1.10 -0.976     0
## 10 5273           10          42 0.238          0.307   1.10 -0.920     0
## # ℹ 34 more rows
dfSummary <- gsm::Summarize(dfFlagged)
## # A tibble: 44 × 6
##    GroupID Numerator Denominator Metric  Score  Flag
##    <chr>       <int>       <int>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
##  1 5084            2          21 0.0952 -2.00     -1
##  2 5308           26          61 0.426   1.93      0
##  3 4817           13          31 0.419   1.30      0
##  4 4968           10          24 0.417   1.11      0
##  5 5224           10          24 0.417   1.11      0
##  6 4943           10          25 0.4     0.965     0
##  7 4746           13          33 0.394   1.04      0
##  8 5135            7          18 0.389   0.721     0
##  9 4988           14          37 0.378   0.902     0
## 10 5166           35          93 0.376   1.39      0
## # ℹ 34 more rows
dfBounds <- gsm::Analyze_NormalApprox_PredictBounds(dfTransformed, vThreshold = c(-3, -2, 2, 3))
## # A tibble: 1,258 × 5
##    Threshold Denominator LogDenominator Numerator   Metric
##        <dbl>       <dbl>          <dbl>     <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1        -3        22.4           3.11   0.00938 0.000419
##  2        -3        23.2           3.14   0.123   0.00533 
##  3        -3        23.9           3.17   0.239   0.0100  
##  4        -3        24.6           3.20   0.356   0.0145  
##  5        -3        25.4           3.23   0.475   0.0187  
##  6        -3        26.1           3.26   0.596   0.0228  
##  7        -3        26.8           3.29   0.718   0.0268  
##  8        -3        27.6           3.32   0.841   0.0305  
##  9        -3        28.3           3.34   0.966   0.0341  
## 10        -3        29.0           3.37   1.09    0.0376  
## # ℹ 1,248 more rows
chart <- gsm::Visualize_Scatter(dfFlagged, dfBounds)

Simulate UR

We write a function that removes a given ratio of AEs from one site in the data set and returns its z-score.

sim_site_ur_gsm <- function(site, ur_rate, dfTransformed) {
  dfTransformed <- dfTransformed %>%
      Numerator = ifelse(GroupID == site, Numerator * (1 - ur_rate), Numerator),
      Metric = Numerator / Denominator
  gsm::Analyze_NormalApprox(dfTransformed) %>%
    filter(GroupID == site) %>%

sim_site_ur_gsm("4747", ur_rate = 0.75, dfTransformed)
## [1] -2.88228

We write another function that systematically applies this sim_site_ur_gsm across all sites in all studies across a range of under-reporting ratios.

sim_ur_gsm <- function(dfSUBJ, dfAE) {
  dfSUBJ %>%
    inner_join(dfAE, by = "study_id") %>%
    ungroup() %>%
      trans = map2(data.x, data.y, ~ gsm::AE_Map_Raw(list(dfSUBJ = .x, dfAE = .y))),
      trans = map(trans, ~ gsm::Transform_Rate(., strNumeratorCol = "Count", strDenominatorCol = "Exposure")),
      sites = map(data.x, ~ distinct(., siteid))
    ) %>%
    select(- starts_with("data.")) %>%
    unnest(sites) %>%
    mutate(ur = list(tibble(ur_rate = c(0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1)))) %>%
    unnest(ur) %>%
      score = pmap_dbl(list(siteid, ur_rate, trans), sim_site_ur_gsm, .progress = TRUE)

df_sim_gsm_fix <- sim_ur_gsm(dfSUBJ_fix, dfAE_fix)
## Warning: There were 3095 warnings in `mutate()`.
## The first warning was:
##  In argument: `z_i = ifelse(...)`.
## Caused by warning:
## ! There was 1 warning in `mutate()`.
##  In argument: `z_0 = ifelse(...)`.
## Caused by warning in `sqrt()`:
## ! NaNs produced
##  Run `dplyr::last_dplyr_warnings()` to see the 3094 remaining warnings.
## # A tibble: 129,966 × 5
##    study_id trans             siteid ur_rate  score
##    <chr>    <list>            <chr>    <dbl>  <dbl>
##  1 0001     <tibble [44 × 4]> 4746      0     1.04 
##  2 0001     <tibble [44 × 4]> 4746      0.1   0.580
##  3 0001     <tibble [44 × 4]> 4746      0.25 -0.120
##  4 0001     <tibble [44 × 4]> 4746      0.5  -1.27 
##  5 0001     <tibble [44 × 4]> 4746      0.75 -2.30 
##  6 0001     <tibble [44 × 4]> 4746      1    -3.18 
##  7 0001     <tibble [44 × 4]> 4747      0     0.780
##  8 0001     <tibble [44 × 4]> 4747      0.1   0.253
##  9 0001     <tibble [44 × 4]> 4747      0.25 -0.544
## 10 0001     <tibble [44 × 4]> 4747      0.5  -1.80 
## # ℹ 129,956 more rows

We repeat the same steps for the portfolio with the flexible AE rates.

dfSUBJ_flex <- get_SUBJ(df_portf_flex)
dfAE_flex<- get_AE(df_portf_flex)

df_sim_gsm_flex <- sim_ur_gsm(dfSUBJ_flex, dfAE_flex)
## Warning: There were 3004 warnings in `mutate()`.
## The first warning was:
##  In argument: `z_i = ifelse(...)`.
## Caused by warning:
## ! There was 1 warning in `mutate()`.
##  In argument: `z_0 = ifelse(...)`.
## Caused by warning in `sqrt()`:
## ! NaNs produced
##  Run `dplyr::last_dplyr_warnings()` to see the 3003 remaining warnings.

UR {simaerep}

We simulate under-reporting for both portfolios using {simaerep}

df_sim_simaerep_fix <- sim_ur_scenarios(
   extra_ur_sites = 0,
   ur_rate = c(0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1),
   parallel = TRUE,
   poisson = TRUE,
   prob_lower = TRUE,
   progress = TRUE
df_sim_simaerep_flex <- sim_ur_scenarios(
   extra_ur_sites = 0,
   ur_rate = c(0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1),
   parallel = TRUE,
   poisson = TRUE,
   prob_lower = TRUE,
   progress = TRUE


Combine Results

df_sim_gsm_fix$ae_rate <- "AE rate: fix"
df_sim_gsm_flex$ae_rate <- "AE rate: flexible"
df_sim_simaerep_fix$ae_rate <- "AE rate: fix"
df_sim_simaerep_flex$ae_rate <- "AE rate: flexible"

df_sim_thresh2 <- bind_rows(df_sim_gsm_fix, df_sim_gsm_flex) %>%
    is_ur = score <= -2,
    type = "{gsm} - thresh: -2",
    site_number = siteid
  ) %>%
  select(type, ae_rate, study_id, site_number, ur_rate, is_ur, score)

df_sim_simaerep_threshp95 <-  bind_rows(df_sim_simaerep_fix, df_sim_simaerep_flex) %>%
    is_ur = prob_low_prob_ur >= 0.95,
    type = "{simaerep} - thresh: 0.95"
  ) %>%
  select(type, ae_rate, study_id, site_number, ur_rate, is_ur, score = prob_low_prob_ur)

df_eval <- bind_rows(


get_prop_test_ci95 <- function(..., ix) {
  stopifnot(ix %in% c(1, 2))
    error = function(cnd) c(NA, NA)[ix]

aggr_results <- function(df_eval) {

df_perf <- df_eval %>%
    n = n(),
    .by = c(type, ae_rate, ur_rate, is_ur)
  ) %>%
    names_from = is_ur,
    values_from = n,
    names_prefix = "is_ur_",
    values_fill = 0
  ) %>%
    n_sites = is_ur_TRUE + is_ur_FALSE + is_ur_NA,
    ratio = is_ur_TRUE / n_sites,
    ratio_type = ifelse(ur_rate == 0, "fpr", "tpr"),
    ci95_low = map2_dbl(is_ur_TRUE, n_sites, ~ get_prop_test_ci95(.x, .y, ix = 1)),
    ci95_high = map2_dbl(is_ur_TRUE, n_sites, ~ get_prop_test_ci95(.x, .y, ix = 2))

df_perf <- aggr_results(df_eval)



df_perf %>%
  knitr::kable(digits = 3)
type ae_rate ur_rate is_ur_FALSE is_ur_TRUE is_ur_NA n_sites ratio ratio_type ci95_low ci95_high
{gsm} - thresh: -2 AE rate: fix 0.00 20823 306 532 21661 0.014 fpr 0.013 0.016
{gsm} - thresh: -2 AE rate: fix 0.10 19868 1262 531 21661 0.058 tpr 0.055 0.061
{gsm} - thresh: -2 AE rate: fix 0.25 15878 5258 525 21661 0.243 tpr 0.237 0.249
{gsm} - thresh: -2 AE rate: fix 0.50 9273 11876 512 21661 0.548 tpr 0.542 0.555
{gsm} - thresh: -2 AE rate: fix 0.75 5263 15895 503 21661 0.734 tpr 0.728 0.740
{gsm} - thresh: -2 AE rate: fix 1.00 3027 18142 492 21661 0.838 tpr 0.833 0.842
{gsm} - thresh: -2 AE rate: flexible 0.00 20886 254 521 21661 0.012 fpr 0.010 0.013
{gsm} - thresh: -2 AE rate: flexible 0.10 20677 465 519 21661 0.021 tpr 0.020 0.024
{gsm} - thresh: -2 AE rate: flexible 0.25 19703 1444 514 21661 0.067 tpr 0.063 0.070
{gsm} - thresh: -2 AE rate: flexible 0.50 16318 4848 495 21661 0.224 tpr 0.218 0.229
{gsm} - thresh: -2 AE rate: flexible 0.75 12281 8896 484 21661 0.411 tpr 0.404 0.417
{gsm} - thresh: -2 AE rate: flexible 1.00 8774 12416 471 21661 0.573 tpr 0.567 0.580
{simaerep} - thresh: 0.95 AE rate: fix 0.00 21363 298 0 21661 0.014 fpr 0.012 0.015
{simaerep} - thresh: 0.95 AE rate: fix 0.10 20406 1255 0 21661 0.058 tpr 0.055 0.061
{simaerep} - thresh: 0.95 AE rate: fix 0.25 17187 4474 0 21661 0.207 tpr 0.201 0.212
{simaerep} - thresh: 0.95 AE rate: fix 0.50 10660 11001 0 21661 0.508 tpr 0.501 0.515
{simaerep} - thresh: 0.95 AE rate: fix 0.75 5874 15787 0 21661 0.729 tpr 0.723 0.735
{simaerep} - thresh: 0.95 AE rate: fix 1.00 4043 17618 0 21661 0.813 tpr 0.808 0.819
{simaerep} - thresh: 0.95 AE rate: flexible 0.00 21356 305 0 21661 0.014 fpr 0.013 0.016
{simaerep} - thresh: 0.95 AE rate: flexible 0.10 20267 1394 0 21661 0.064 tpr 0.061 0.068
{simaerep} - thresh: 0.95 AE rate: flexible 0.25 16694 4967 0 21661 0.229 tpr 0.224 0.235
{simaerep} - thresh: 0.95 AE rate: flexible 0.50 9975 11686 0 21661 0.539 tpr 0.533 0.546
{simaerep} - thresh: 0.95 AE rate: flexible 0.75 5404 16257 0 21661 0.751 tpr 0.745 0.756
{simaerep} - thresh: 0.95 AE rate: flexible 1.00 3707 17954 0 21661 0.829 tpr 0.824 0.834

Plot Performance Metrics

  • {gsm} has better performance than {simaerep} when the AE rate is fixed, while {simaerep} greatly outperforms {gsm} when the AE rate is flexible and mimics the AE rates encountered in real study data sets.
plot_perf <- function(df_perf) {

  df_perf %>%
    mutate(ur_rate = paste0("under-reporting rate: ",  ur_rate, " - ", ratio_type),
           ur_rate = ifelse(str_detect(ur_rate, "fpr"), "fpr", ur_rate)) %>%
    group_by(ur_rate) %>%
    ggplot(aes(type, ratio)) +
      geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = ci95_low, ymax = ci95_high, color = type), linewidth = 1) +
      facet_grid(ur_rate ~ ae_rate) +
      coord_flip() +
      theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
        x = "",
        y = "CI95 Performance Ratio", 
        title = "{simaerep} vs {gsm} Performance"
      ) +
      scale_color_manual(values = c("#5491CC", "#F46626"))

