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visR 0.4.1

visR 0.4.0

CRAN release: 2023-11-20

visR 0.3.1

CRAN release: 2022-08-17

  • We now zoom in on a figure (e.g. Kaplan-Meier figure) with ggplot2::coord_cartesian() instead of using scale_x_continuous(limits=) and scale_y_continuous(limits=). The latter first removes data outside the limits, then constructs the line. Zooming constructs the full line, then zooms into the limits. This is useful because the risktable often reports estimates near the end of a KM figure, but the line is cutoff and not shown at the last time point. (#402)

  • README update to contributor listing. (#435)

visR 0.3.0

CRAN release: 2022-06-24

New functions

  • Highlight specific strata in survival plots using add_highlight().

  • Indicate quantiles in survival plots using add_quantiles().

  • Estimation of cumulative incidence in the presence of competing risks is now possible with estimate_cuminc(). The risk estimates can be plotted similarly to estimates from estimate_KM() using the visr() function.

  • Function Surv_CNSR() used the CDISC ADTTE conventions for the default values of the time and status indicators for time-to-event analyses. Of note, the status variable must be coded as 0/1 with 1 indicating an observation has been censored. (#391)

Breaking Changes

Bug Fixes

Other Updates

  • Stratifying variable names have been removed from legend in visr.survfit() figures, and the legend title now describes the stratifying variable(s). (#343)

  • The estimate_KM() function gains an experimental formula= argument. When the argument is used, the AVAL, CNSR, and strata arguments typically used to construct the formula are ignored. (#379)

  • add_risktable has a rowgutter argument to allow spacing between plot and risktables

  • The strata variable is now removed from the body of tableone() results. (#254)

  • The visr.survfit() function no longer warns about x-axis label when PARAM column not found in original data set. (#378)

  • The call saved in the estimate_KM() object has been updated to a quosure–ensuring the original function call can always be recalled.

  • define_theme()updated to ensure that only the strata present in the theme are displayed. (#388)

  • Removed the external dependency with the easyalluvial package. (#383)

  • Reduced the number of exported functions. (#381)

  • Improved documentation for visr() and other generic functions. (#301) (#357)

  • Unit testing updated where relevant to have 100% code coverage and function requirements tested.

  • The README page has been updated with additional examples. (#425)

  • lifecycle badges have been added at the function level to indicate functions that are still in experimental or questioning phases. (#398)

visR 0.2.0

CRAN release: 2021-06-14

  • Initial CRAN release.