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Marginal summaries of the data.


  level = 0.95,
  use_subgroup = !is.null(attr(data, "brm_subgroup"))



A classed data frame from brm_data(), or an informative prior archetype from a function like brm_archetype_successive_cells().


Numeric of length 1 from 0 to 1, level of the confidence intervals.


Logical of length 1, whether to summarize the data by each subgroup level.


A tibble with one row per summary statistic and the following columns:

  • group: treatment group.

  • subgroup: subgroup level. Only included if the subgroup argument of brm_marginal_data() is TRUE.

  • time: discrete time point.

  • statistic: type of summary statistic.

  • value: numeric value of the estimate.

The statistic column has the following possible values:

  • mean: observed mean response after removing missing values.

  • median: observed median response after removing missing values.

  • sd: observed standard deviation of the response after removing missing values.

  • lower: lower bound of a normal equal-tailed confidence interval with confidence level determined by the level argument.

  • upper: upper bound of a normal equal-tailed confidence interval with confidence level determined by the level argument.

  • n_observe: number of non-missing values in the response.

  • n_total: number of total records in the data for the given group/time combination, including both observed and missing values.


data <- brm_data(
  data = brm_simulate_simple()$data,
  outcome = "response",
  role = "response",
  group = "group",
  time = "time",
  patient = "patient",
  reference_group = "group_1",
  reference_time = "time_1"
brm_marginal_data(data = data)
#> # A tibble: 56 × 4
#>    statistic group   time    value
#>    <chr>     <chr>   <chr>   <dbl>
#>  1 lower     group_1 time_1  1.39 
#>  2 lower     group_1 time_2  2.73 
#>  3 lower     group_1 time_3  2.70 
#>  4 lower     group_1 time_4  1.88 
#>  5 lower     group_2 time_1 -0.118
#>  6 lower     group_2 time_2  1.23 
#>  7 lower     group_2 time_3  1.12 
#>  8 lower     group_2 time_4  0.300
#>  9 mean      group_1 time_1  1.23 
#> 10 mean      group_1 time_2  2.57 
#> # ℹ 46 more rows