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The mixed model for repeated measures (MMRM) is a popular model for longitudinal clinical trial data with continuous endpoints, and brms a is powerful and versatile package for fitting Bayesian regression models. The brms.mmrm R package leverages brms to run MMRMs, and it supports a simplified interfaced to reduce difficulty and align with the best practices of the life sciences.


  • Bürkner, P.-C. (2017), "brms: An R package for Bayesian multilevel models using Stan," Journal of Statistical Software, 80, 1–28.

  • Holzhauer, B., and Weber, S. (2024), "Bayesian mixed effects model for repeated measures," in Applied Modeling in Drug Development, Novartis AG.

  • Mallinckrodt, C. H., Lane, P. W., Schnell, D., and others (2008), "Recommendations for the primary analysis of continuous endpoints in longitudinal clinical trials," Therapeutic Innovation and Regulatory Science, 42, 303–319.

  • Mallinckrodt, C. H., and Lipkovich, I. (2017), Analyzing longitudinal clinical trial data: A practical guide, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.