MCMC samples of the parameter. Each entry in this list must be a vector (in case of a scalar parameter) or matrix (in case of a vector-valued parameter) with samples. In case of matrix, every row is a separate sample, while columns correspond to the dimension of the parameter.options
MCMC options that were used to generate the samples.
# The MCMC options that were used to generate the samples.
my_options <- McmcOptions(
burnin = 1000,
step = 2,
samples = 1000
# Create an object of class 'Samples'
# Here the parameters 'alpha' and 'beta' are randomly generated. Of course, in
# a real example these would be a samples coming from MCMC procedures.
my_samples <- Samples(
data = list(alpha = rnorm(1000), beta = rnorm(1000)),
options = my_options