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The following vignette describes the changes that were introduced to the crmPack package as a result of the package’s refactoring. One row in below tables represents a single-type, consistent change.

Class and slot changes

Naming convention motivation

To be close to common R style guidelines (Wickham 2019) and use consistent naming conventions within the crmPack package, CamelCase notation is used for class names, method names and constructor function names, and snake_case notation is used for slot names throughout the package.

New classes

Data DataDA Time-to-DLT augmented data.
Design DADesign Design for data augmentation.
Increments IncrementsHSRBeta Limiting further increments using a Hard Safety Rule
Increments IncrementsRelativeDLTCurrent Increments control based on relative differences in terms of DLTs.
Model DALogisticLogNormal Logistic model with bivariate (log) normal prior and data augmentation.
Model FractionalCRM Fractional CRM model.
Model OneParExpPrior Standard CRM with an exponential prior on the power parameter.
Model OneParLogNormalPrior standard CRM with a normal prior on the log power parameter for the skeleton prior probabilities
Model ProbitLogNormalRel Probit regression model with a bivariate normal prior on the intercept and log slope.
nextBest NextBestInfTheory Next best dose that is based on information theory.
nextBest NextBestMinDist Next best dose that is based on minimum distance to target probability.
nextBest NextBestNCRMLoss Next best dose based on NCRM rule and loss function.
nextBest NextBestProbMTDLTE Next best dose that selects the dose with the highest probability of having a toxicity rate less or equal to the toxicity target.
nextBest NextBestProbMTDMinDist Next best dose that selects the dose with the highest probability of having a toxicity rate with the smallest distance to the toxicity target.
Parent model class ModelParamsNormal Represents parameters of bivariate normal distribution.
SafetyWindow SafetyWindowConst Safety window length used when the gap should be kept constant.
SafetyWindow SafetyWindowSize Safety window length based on cohort size.
Stopping StoppingLowestDoseHSRBeta Stopping based on a Hard Safety Rule using the Beta posterior distribution.
Stopping StoppingMissingDose Stopping based on NA returned by next best dose.
Stopping StoppingMTDCV Stopping rule based on precision of MTD which is calculated as the coefficient of variation (CV) of the MTD.
Stopping StoppingSpecificDose Testing a stopping rule at specific dose of the dose grid and not at the next best dose.

Renamed classes

New Name
Old Name
Increments IncrementsDoseLevels IncrementsNumDoseLevels Harmonization
Increments IncrementsMin IncrementMin Harmonization
Stopping StoppingMaxGainCIRatio StoppingGstarCIRatio Clarification

Renamed slots

New Name
CohortSizeDLT cohortSize cohort_size
DLTintervals dlt_intervals
CohortSizeMax cohortSizeList cohort_size_list
CohortSizeMin cohortSizeList cohort_size_list
CohortSizeRange cohortSize cohort_size
DALogisticLogNormal C_par c_par
conditionalPEM cond_pem
Design PLcohortSize pl_cohort_size
DualEndpointBeta refDoseBeta ref_dose_beta
DualEndpointEmax refDoseEmax ref_dose_emax
DualEndpointRW useRW1 rw1
DualEndpointRW() rw1 replaces smooth string
smooth replaced by rw1 flag
EffFlexi several slots several slots several slot changed, see man page
EffFlexi() rw1 replaces smooth string
smooth replaced by rw1 flag
Effloglog several slots several slots several slot changed, see man page
IncrementsDoseLevels (IncrementsNumDoseLevels) basis_level
IncrementsDoseLevels (IncrementsNumDoseLevels) maxLevels levels change applied also to other dependent classes
IncrementsMin (IncrementMin) IncrementsList increments_list change applied also to other dependent classes
IncrementsRelativeDLT DLTintervals dlt_intervals change applied also to other dependent classes
IncrementsRelativeParts cleanStart clean_start change applied also to other dependent classes
dltStart dlt_start
McmcOptions rng_kind to be used by Random Number Generator in rJAGS
rng_seed to be used by Random Number Generator in rJAGS
ModelEff dose moved to model class method
ExpEff moved to model class method and renamed to efficacy
NextBestDualEndpoint target_relative replaces scale string
maxOverdoseProb max_overdose_prob
scale replaced by target_relative flag
targetThresh target_thresh
NextBestMaxGain DLEDuringTrialtarget prob_target_drt
DLEEndOfTrialtarget prob_target_eot
NextBestMaxGainSamples DLEDuringTrialtarget prob_target_drt
DLEEndOfTrialtarget prob_target_eot
Gstarderive mg_derive
TDderive derive
NextBestNCRM maxOverdoseProb max_overdose_prob
NextBestTD targetDuringTrial prob_target_drt
targetEndOfTrial prob_target_eot
NextBestTDsamples targetDuringTrial prob_target_drt
targetEndOfTrial prob_target_eot
StoppingAll stopList stop_list
StoppingAny stopList stop_list
StoppingList stopList stop_list
StoppingMaxGainCIRatio (StoppingGstarCIRatio) targetEndOfTrial prob_target
targetRatio target_ratio
StoppingTargetBiomarker is_relative replaces scale string
scale replaced by is_relative flag
StoppingTDCIRatio targetEndOfTrial prob_target
targetRatio target_ratio
TDDesign PLcohortSize pl_cohort_size
TDsamplesDesign PLcohortSize pl_cohort_size
TITELogisticLogNormal weightMethod weight_method
* Class or class’ user constructor. In the later case the Name/New Name is followed by ().
Slot in case of the class or argument in case of the class’ user constructor

Strikeout indicates that the class/slot was removed.

Moved dose and prob Functions from Slots to Methods

Moved dose and prob functions from model class slots to model class methods. Example of usage: dose/prob function as a true dose-DLT/DLT-dose relationship.

Generate data, define a model and get samples

## Loading required package: ggplot2
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'crmPack':
##   method       from  
##   print.gtable gtable
## Type crmPackHelp() to open help browser
## Type crmPackExample() to open example
empty_data <- Data(doseGrid = c(1, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 40, 50, 80, 100))
my_model <- LogisticNormal(
  mean = c(-0.85, 1),
  cov = matrix(c(1, -0.5, -0.5, 1), nrow = 2)
my_options <- McmcOptions(burnin = 2, step = 2, samples = 20)
my_samples <- mcmc(empty_data, my_model, my_options)


Here is the example on how the dose function can be used in case of different inputs, i.e. model’s parameters samples or in case of a fixed model’s parameters values.

# Doses reaching a specific target probability of the occurrence of a DLT (equal to 0.3),
# given a particular models and samples.
# Every single dose corresponds to one particular sample in `my_samples`.
dose(0.3, my_model, my_samples)
##  [1]  0.5708253 13.1611369  0.4753299  0.9067872  1.1002401  1.6130876
##  [7]  1.8026864 83.7639153  0.8587354  1.4449534  0.8738837  1.6442285
## [13]  1.1594674  1.6431664  0.2672917  0.7381146  2.1082798  1.3335597
## [19]  1.1322174 16.5270987
# True dose-DLT relationship.
# Say that -0.8 and 1 are the true values for models parameters alpha0 and alpha1 respectively.
# The `true_dose_fun` takes one argument (target probability of the occurrence of a DLT)
# and computes the corresponding dose, according to the model chosen and given a fixed values
# of the model's parameters.
true_dose_fun <- doseFunction(my_model, alpha0 = -0.8, alpha1 = 1)
## [1] 0.9538033


# Toxicity probabilities for a given dose (equal to 10), model and samples.
# Every single probability value corresponds to one particular sample in `my_samples`.
prob(10, my_model, my_samples)
##  [1] 0.9568939 0.3351952 0.8752137 0.7969311 0.8650656 0.8572232 0.3912691
##  [8] 0.3978126 0.9991332 0.9685662 0.9891118 0.6854793 0.9181210 0.7705061
## [15] 0.8156145 0.8254586 0.7737791 0.9665601 0.9449906 0.2591712
# True DLT-dose relationship.
# Say that -0.8 and 1 are the true values for models parameters alpha0 and alpha1 respectively.
# The `true_prob_fun` takes one argument (the dose) and computes the corresponding
# toxicity probability, according to the model chosen and given a fixed values
# of the model's parameters.
true_prob_fun <- probFunction(my_model, alpha0 = -0.8, alpha1 = 1)
## [1] 0.8179597

New Random Number Generator settings for the MCMC

The Random Number Generator (RNG) settings used by the JAGS for the MCMC are now configured solely through the McmcOptions class. The RNG settings are: RNG type and the RNG seed that corresponds to a given RNG type. Find out details in the help page for the McmcOptions class. Any RNG-related user settings at the R session level (such us those with set.seed()) are ignored by the MCMC sampler.

New no-argument constructors

To aid software development, new no-argument constructs for all sub-classes of GeneralModel, Increments, NextBest and Stopping have been introduced. The names of these constructors take the form .Default<classname>, where <classname> is the name of the class being created.

These constructors return valid, but not necessarily contextually sensible, objects of the required class. One reason the objects returned may not be contextually sensible is that the constructors take no account of any associated doseGrid.

Here are some examples of their use:

If all of the following rules are TRUE:

  • ≥ 3 cohorts dosed: If 3 or more cohorts have been treated.

  • P(0.2 ≤ prob(DLE | NBD) ≤ 0.35) ≥ 0.5: If the probability of toxicity at the next best dose is in the range [0.20, 0.35] is at least 0.50.

  • ≥ 20 patients dosed: If 20 or more participants have been treated.

class_name <- "LogisticNormal"
eval(parse(text = paste0(".Default", class_name, "()")))

A logistic log normal model will describe the relationship between dose and toxicity: p(Tox|d)=f(X=1|θ,d)=eα+βd/d*1+eα+βd/d* p(Tox | d) = f(X = 1 | \theta, d) = \frac{e^{\alpha + \beta \cdot d/d^*}}{1 + e^{\alpha + \beta \cdot d/d^*}} where d* denotes a reference dose.

The prior for θ is given by𝛉=[αβ]N([0.851.00],[1.000.500.501.00]) \boldsymbol\theta = \begin{bmatrix}\alpha \\ \beta\end{bmatrix}\sim N \left(\begin{bmatrix}-0.85 \\ 1.00\end{bmatrix} , \begin{bmatrix} 1.00 & -0.50 \\ -0.50 & 1.00\end{bmatrix} \right)

The reference dose will be 1.00.

Handling of NA or placebo returned as next dose

For consistent handling how the study is stopped and to facilitate analysis of stop reasons in the operation characteristics, the handling of NA and placebo returned by nextBest methods is changed. In the previous version of crmPack stopping for placebo or NA returned by a nextBest method was handled automatically in the generic Stopping method. This is now moved into a new stopping rule StoppingMissingDose. As a consequence, the stopping rule StoppingMissingDose must be specified for those nextBest methods that can return NA, or when placebo is used. Otherwise the simulation may run into an error if the study is not stopped when NA is returned as the next dose. nextBest methods that can return NA are NextBestNCRM, NextBestNCRMLoss and NextBestDualEndpoint.

Evaluation of stopping rules at a specific dose

Without further specification, stopping rules are evaluated at the dose returned by the used nextBest method. With the new stopping rule StoppingSpecificDose it is possible to evaluate stopping rules at any dose. For usage see documentation of StoppingSpecificDose.

Further details in class and methods name changes


New Name
New Name
ModelLogNormal new parent class for all the models with reference dose and bivariate (log) normal prior on the model parameters
ModelParamsNormal represents parameters of bivariate normal distribution
positive_number to handle strictly positive valued slots (e.g. ref_dose in many model classes)
CohortSizeDLT cohortSize cohort_size
DLTintervals intervals
CohortSizeMax cohortSizeList cohort_sizes
CohortSizeMin cohortSizeList cohort_sizes
CohortSizeRange cohortSize cohort_size
DALogisticLogNormal C_par c_par
conditionalPEM cond_pem
Design PLcohortSize pl_cohort_size
DualEndpointBeta refDoseBeta ref_dose_beta
DualEndpointEmax refDoseEmax ref_dose_emax
DualEndpointRW useRW1 rw1
DualEndpointRW() rw1 replaces smooth string
smooth replaced by rw1 flag
EffFlexi several slots several slots several slot changed, see man page
EffFlexi() rw1 replaces smooth string
smooth replaced by rw1 flag
Effloglog several slots several slots several slot changed, see man page
GeneralModel datanames moved from AllModels
IncrementMin IncrementsMin
IncrementsDoseLevels basis_level
maxLevels levels change applied also to other dependent classes
IncrementsMin IncrementsList increments_list change applied also to other dependent classes
IncrementsNumDoseLevels IncrementsDoseLevels
IncrementsRelativeDLT DLTintervals intervals change applied also to other dependent classes
IncrementsRelativeParts cleanStart clean_start change applied also to other dependent classes
dltStart dlt_start
McmcOptions rng_kind to be used by Random Number Generator in rJAGS
rng_seed to be used by Random Number Generator in rJAGS
ModelEff dose moved to model class method
ExpEff moved to model class method and renamed to efficacy
NextBestDualEndpoint target_relative replaces scale string
maxOverdoseProb max_overdose_prob
scale replaced by target_relative flag
targetThresh target_thresh
NextBestMaxGain DLEDuringTrialtarget prob_target_drt
DLEEndOfTrialtarget prob_target_eot
NextBestMaxGainSamples DLEDuringTrialtarget prob_target_drt
DLEEndOfTrialtarget prob_target_eot
Gstarderive mg_derive
TDderive derive
NextBestNCRM maxOverdoseProb max_overdose_prob
NextBestTD targetDuringTrial prob_target_drt
targetEndOfTrial prob_target_eot
NextBestTDsamples targetDuringTrial prob_target_drt
targetEndOfTrial prob_target_eot
OneParExpNormalPrior OneParLogNormalPrior
OneParLogNormalPrior skel_fun_inv
skeletonFun skel_fun
skeletonProbs skel_probs
OneParLogNormalPrior() doseGrid dose_grid
SafetyWindowConst patientFollow follow
patientFollowMin follow_min
patientGap gap
SafetyWindowSize patientFollow follow
patientFollowMin follow_min
patientGap gap
sizeIntervals size
StoppingAll stopList stop_list
StoppingAny stopList stop_list
StoppingGstarCIRatio targetEndOfTrial prob_target
targetRatio target_ratio
StoppingList stopList stop_list
StoppingTargetBiomarker is_relative replaces scale string
scale replaced by is_relative flag
StoppingTDCIRatio targetEndOfTrial prob_target
targetRatio target_ratio
TDDesign PLcohortSize pl_cohort_size
TDsamplesDesign PLcohortSize pl_cohort_size
TITELogisticLogNormal weightMethod weight_method
* Class or class’ user constructor. In the later case the Name/New Name is followed by ().
Slot in case of the class or argument in case of the class’ user constructor

Strikeout indicates that the class/slot was removed.


Output Changes
New Name
New Name
doseFunction returns dose computing function for a given model
efficacy new generic function
probFunction returns probability computing function for a given model
biomLevel xLevel added only for generic, reordered arguments for generic and methods
dose changed generic and methods
biomarker changed generic and methods
biomLevel-DualEndpoint dose
dose prob x
gain several arguments several arguments several arguments (generic and methods) changed, see man page
getEff renamed elements in the list returned
mcmc fromPrior from_prior
nextBest-NextBestMaxGain renamed elements in the list returned
Effmodel model_eff
Effsamples samples_eff
SIM in_sim
nextBest-NextBestMaxGainSamples renamed elements in the list returned
Effmodel model_eff
Effsamples samples_eff
SIM in_sim
nextBest-NextBestTD Effmodel model_eff
Effsamples samples_eff
SIM in_sim
nextBest-NextBestTDsamples Effmodel model_eff
Effsamples samples_eff
size size check
update-Data check
newCohort new_cohort
update-DataDA check
update-DataDual check
update-DataParts check
update-EffFlexi replaced by update-ModelPseudo
update-Effloglog replaced by update-ModelPseudo
update-LogisticIndepBeta replaced by update-ModelPseudo

Strikeout indicates that the method/argument was removed.


Wickham, Hadley. 2019. Advanced r, Second Edition. Chapman & Hall/CRC: R Series.