Simulation study example
Ziwei Liao, Daniel Sabanes Bove
02 January 2019
Simulation setting
Here the simulation study setting is defined.
id <- 1
onset <- 3
a0 <- 2
a1 <- 3
refDose <- 56
# True dose-DLT relationship
myTruth <- function(dose) {
StandLogDose <- log(dose / refDose)
plogis(a0 + a1 * StandLogDose)
# The conditional CDF of the PEM
if (onset == 30) {
onset <- 15
exp_cond.cdf <- function(x) {
(pexp(42 - x, 1 / onset, lower.tail = FALSE) - pexp(Tmax_, 1 / onset, lower.tail = FALSE)) / pexp(Tmax_, 1 / onset)
} else {
exp_cond.cdf <- function(x) {
1 - (pexp(x, 1 / onset, lower.tail = FALSE) - pexp(Tmax_, 1 / onset, lower.tail = FALSE)) / pexp(Tmax_, 1 / onset)
Design definition
Here the the dose escalation designs are defined: in this example the TITE-CRM is used. Similarly the code can be adapted for the rolling-CRM.
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Tmax_ <- 42
model <- TITELogisticLogNormal(
mean = c(1.33, 1.49),
cov = matrix(c(1.826, 0.0209, 0.0209, 0.0245), nrow = 2),
ref_dose = refDose
myIncrements <- IncrementsRelative(
intervals = c(0, 20),
increments = c(10, 3)
myNextBest <- NextBestMTD(
target = 0.3,
derive =
function(mtd_samples) {
myStopping <- StoppingMinPatients(nPatients = 48)
mySize <- CohortSizeConst(size = 3)
emptydata <- DataDA(doseGrid = seq(from = 2, to = 50, by = 2), Tmax = Tmax_)
mysafetywindow <- SafetyWindowConst(c(7, 7), 7, 7)
design <- DADesign(
model = model,
increments = myIncrements,
nextBest = myNextBest,
stopping = myStopping,
cohort_size = mySize,
data = emptydata,
safetyWindow = mysafetywindow,
startingDose = 8
Simulation run
In order to obtain stable results, increase the simulation parameters appropriately (step, samples, nsim).
options <- McmcOptions(
burnin = 20,
step = 1,
samples = 50
mySims <- simulate(design,
args = NULL,
truthTox = myTruth,
truthSurv = exp_cond.cdf,
trueTmax = 42,
nsim = 10,
seed = 819,
mcmcOptions = options,
parallel = FALSE
# nolint end