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[Experimental] Elements of ... must be numeric vectors or scalars.

This function performs an element-by-element comparison of the first object provided in ... with every other object in ... and returns TRUE if all comparisons are equal within a given tolerance and FALSE otherwise.

[Experimental] Elements of ... must be numeric vectors or scalars.

This function performs an element-by-element comparison of the first object provided in ... with every other object in ... and throws an error if they are not.


check_equal(..., tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps))

  tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), = vname(x),
  add = NULL



vectors to be compared


the maximum difference to be tolerated when judging equality

Name of the checked object to print in assertions. Defaults to the heuristic implemented in vname.


Collection to store assertion messages. See AssertCollection.


TRUE if all element-by-element differences are less than tolerance in magnitude, FALSE otherwise.

list(...), invisibly.


If there are any missing or infinite values in ..., this function returns FALSE, regardless of the values of other elements in ....

If elements in ... are not all of the same length, FALSE is returned.

If there are any missing or infinite values in ..., this function throws an error, regardless of the values of other elements in ....

If elements in ... are not all of the same length, an error is thrown.

See also

assertions for more details.

assertions for more details.


check_equal(1:2, 1:2) # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
check_equal(1:2, 2:3) # "Not all equal"
#> [1] "Not all equal"
check_equal(Inf, Inf) # "Not all equal"
#> [1] "Not all entries finite"
check_equal(0.01, 0.02) # "Not all equal"
#> [1] "Not all equal"
check_equal(0.01, 0.02, tol = 0.05) # TRUE
#> [1] TRUE
check_equal(1, c(1, 1)) # "Not all equal"
#> [1] "Not all of same length"
assert_equal(1:2, 1:2) # no error
assert_equal(0.01, 0.02, tol = 0.05) # no error