Get empirical cumulative distribution values of pval or prob_lower
Test function, test applicability of poisson test, by calculating
the bootstrapped probability of obtaining a specific p-value or lower, use in combination with
- df_sim_studies
dataframe, generated by
- df_sim_sites
dataframe, generated by
- val_str
dataframe with the following columns:
- study_id
study identification
- site_number
site identification
- visit_med75
median(max(visit)) * 0.75
- mean_ae_site_med75
mean AE at visit_med75 site level
- mean_ae_study_med75
mean AE at visit_med75 study level
- pval/prob_low
p-value as returned by
- pval/prob_low_ecd
p-value as returned by
trains a ecdf function for each studies based on the results
of sim_studies()
df_visit <- sim_test_data_study(n_pat = 100, n_sites = 5,
frac_site_with_ur = 0.4, ur_rate = 0.3)
df_visit$study_id <- "A"
df_site <- site_aggr(df_visit)
df_sim_sites <- sim_sites(df_site, df_visit, r = 100)
df_sim_studies <- sim_studies(
df_site = df_site,
df_visit = df_visit,
r = 3,
parallel = FALSE,
poisson_test = TRUE,
prob_lower = TRUE
get_ecd_values(df_sim_studies, df_sim_sites, "prob_low")
#> # A tibble: 5 × 11
#> study_id site_number n_pat n_pat_with_med75 visit_med75 mean_ae_site_med75
#> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 A S0001 20 18 15 5.28
#> 2 A S0002 20 17 16 6.12
#> 3 A S0003 20 17 16 8.35
#> 4 A S0004 20 20 15 6.55
#> 5 A S0005 20 16 15 7.62
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: mean_ae_study_med75 <dbl>, n_pat_with_med75_study <int>,
#> # pval <dbl>, prob_low <dbl>, prob_low_ecd <dbl>
get_ecd_values(df_sim_studies, df_sim_sites, "pval")
#> # A tibble: 5 × 11
#> study_id site_number n_pat n_pat_with_med75 visit_med75 mean_ae_site_med75
#> <chr> <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 A S0001 20 18 15 5.28
#> 2 A S0002 20 17 16 6.12
#> 3 A S0003 20 17 16 8.35
#> 4 A S0004 20 20 15 6.55
#> 5 A S0005 20 16 15 7.62
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: mean_ae_study_med75 <dbl>, n_pat_with_med75_study <int>,
#> # pval <dbl>, prob_low <dbl>, pval_ecd <dbl>