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With the latest 0.6.0 release we have added an alternative version of the {simaerep} algorithm that was coded using solely dbplyr compatible table operations.

  • expand the patients for each site r times
  • join each patient with a random eligible patient from same study
  • for each replicate calculate event per visit rate per site
  • calculate the ratio of having a lower event per visit rate than actually observed

This comes with the following advantages and disadvantages:

  • Patients are individually matched with patients that have reached the same visit in the study. No need to pick visit_med75 as an evaluation point.
  • dbplyr compatibility means that code execution can be done in a database back-end as opposed to in-memory.
  • Matching patients individually is more costly, this increases in-memory computation time
  • Limited patient sample pool for patients that have more visits than other patients in study.

Sample Data


df_visit <- sim_test_data_study(
  n_pat = 1000, # number of patients in study
  n_sites = 100, # number of sites in study
  frac_site_with_ur = 0.05, # fraction of sites under-reporting
  ur_rate = 0.4, # rate of under-reporting
  ae_per_visit_mean = 0.5 # mean AE per patient visit

df_visit$study_id <- "A"

Patient-Level Matching

Here we use the standard version of the algorithm.

aerep_trad <- simaerep(df_visit)

To use the patient-level matching algorithm we set inframe=TRUE and visit_med75=FALSE.

The original algorithm uses fixed seeds before sampling while the inframe method does not. In order to obtain consistent results we need to manually set a seed.


aerep_inframe <- simaerep(
  inframe = TRUE,
  visit_med75 = FALSE

The plot shows that for all sites 10/10 patients were used and none were excluded. We also observe that the site average has become more noisy as less patients are used to calculate the averages for the higher visit numbers.


The inframe method includes this noisier data but does not compare average event counts but event per visit rates. We can find events_per_visit_site and events_per_visit_study in df_eval. The latter is the average event rate obtained in the simulation in which each patient has been resampled according to its maximum visit.

## # A tibble: 100 × 10
##    study_id site_number events_per_visit_site events visits n_pat prob_low
##    <chr>    <chr>                       <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <int>    <dbl>
##  1 A        S0001                       0.279     50    179    10    0    
##  2 A        S0002                       0.281     59    210    10    0    
##  3 A        S0003                       0.291     55    189    10    0    
##  4 A        S0004                       0.312     59    189    10    0    
##  5 A        S0005                       0.297     58    195    10    0    
##  6 A        S0006                       0.493    100    203    10    0.569
##  7 A        S0007                       0.408     89    218    10    0.044
##  8 A        S0008                       0.559     95    170    10    0.922
##  9 A        S0009                       0.518    101    195    10    0.761
## 10 A        S0010                       0.470     87    185    10    0.385
## # ℹ 90 more rows
## # ℹ 3 more variables: events_per_visit_study <dbl>, prob_low_adj <dbl>,
## #   prob_low_prob_ur <dbl>

We can also force the inframe method to use the visit_med75 this will pre-filter df_visit, which adds an extra step and decreases performance.


aerep_inframe_visit_med75 <- simaerep(
  inframe = TRUE,
  visit_med75 = TRUE



We can demonstrate the database-backend compatibility by using a connection to a in memory duckdb database. In order to set the number of replications we need to create a new table in our back-end that has one column with as many rows as the desired replications.

A lazy reference to this table can then be passed to the r parameter.

con <- DBI::dbConnect(duckdb::duckdb(), dbdir = ":memory:")
df_r <- tibble(rep = seq(1, 1000))

dplyr::copy_to(con, df_visit, "visit")
dplyr::copy_to(con, df_r, "r")

tbl_visit <- tbl(con, "visit")
tbl_r <- tbl(con, "r")

aerep <- simaerep(tbl_visit, r = tbl_r, visit_med75 = FALSE)

When inspecting df_eval we see that it is still a lazy table object.

## # Source:     SQL [?? x 10]
## # Database:   DuckDB v1.0.0 [koneswab@Darwin 23.6.0:R 4.4.1/:memory:]
## # Ordered by: study_id, site_number
##    study_id site_number events_per_visit_site events visits n_pat prob_low
##    <chr>    <chr>                       <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 A        S0005                       0.297     58    195    10    0    
##  2 A        S0076                       0.399     75    188    10    0.05 
##  3 A        S0001                       0.279     50    179    10    0    
##  4 A        S0003                       0.291     55    189    10    0    
##  5 A        S0004                       0.312     59    189    10    0    
##  6 A        S0092                       0.507    113    223    10    0.658
##  7 A        S0090                       0.516     95    184    10    0.732
##  8 A        S0077                       0.520     90    173    10    0.732
##  9 A        S0017                       0.521     98    188    10    0.745
## 10 A        S0097                       0.523    103    197    10    0.761
## # ℹ more rows
## # ℹ 3 more variables: events_per_visit_study <dbl>, prob_low_adj <dbl>,
## #   prob_low_prob_ur <dbl>

We can convert it to sql code. The cte option makes the sql code more readable.

sql_eval <- dbplyr::sql_render(aerep$df_eval, sql_options = dbplyr::sql_options(cte = TRUE))
stringr::str_trunc(sql_eval, 500)
## <SQL> WITH q01 AS (
##     patnum,
##     site_number,
##     is_ur,
##     max_visit_mean,
##     max_visit_sd,
##     ae_per_visit_mean,
##     CAST(visit AS NUMERIC) AS visit,
##     CAST(n_ae AS NUMERIC) AS n_ae,
##     study_id
##   FROM visit
## ),
## q02 AS (
##   SELECT DISTINCT study_id, site_number
##   FROM q01
##   GROUP BY study_id, site_number, patnum
## ),
## q03 AS (
##   FROM r
## ),
## q04 AS (
##   SELECT study_id, site_number, patnum, MAX(visit) AS max_visit_per_pat
##   FROM q01
##   GROUP BY study_i...

We can take that code and wrap it in a CREATE TABLE statement

sql_create <- glue::glue("CREATE TABLE eval AS ({sql_eval})")
DBI::dbExecute(con, sql_create)
## [1] 100

Retrieve the new table from the database.

tbl_eval <- tbl(con, "eval")
## # Source:   table<eval> [?? x 10]
## # Database: DuckDB v1.0.0 [koneswab@Darwin 23.6.0:R 4.4.1/:memory:]
##    study_id site_number events_per_visit_site events visits n_pat prob_low
##    <chr>    <chr>                       <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
##  1 A        S0010                       0.470     87    185    10    0.385
##  2 A        S0014                       0.505    103    204    10    0.654
##  3 A        S0023                       0.531    104    196    10    0.804
##  4 A        S0078                       0.543    107    197    10    0.859
##  5 A        S0029                       0.563    120    213    10    0.94 
##  6 A        S0061                       0.580    105    181    10    0.956
##  7 A        S0052                       0.431     81    188    10    0.132
##  8 A        S0055                       0.430     83    193    10    0.132
##  9 A        S0034                       0.432     79    183    10    0.149
## 10 A        S0071                       0.483     99    205    10    0.51 
## # ℹ more rows
## # ℹ 3 more variables: events_per_visit_study <dbl>, prob_low_adj <dbl>,
## #   prob_low_prob_ur <dbl>

We plot the results from the {simaerep} object.


Or more efficiently by using plot_study() when we have already written the simaerep results into the database. Here we avoid that the results are being recalculated just for the sake of creating a plot. However this requires that we save df_site to the database as well.

sql_site <- dbplyr::sql_render(aerep$df_site)
DBI::dbExecute(con, glue::glue("CREATE TABLE site AS ({sql_site})"))
## [1] 100
tbl_site <- tbl(con, "site")

plot_study(tbl_visit, tbl_site, tbl_eval, study = "A")


In Memory Calculation Times

Here we perform some examplary tests to illustrate the increase in-memory calculation time of the inframe calculation method.

This is the calculation time for the default settings

system.time({simaerep(df_visit, inframe = FALSE, visit_med75 = TRUE, under_only = TRUE, progress = FALSE)})
##    user  system elapsed 
##   0.852   0.011   0.864

inframe calculation time is higher

system.time({simaerep(df_visit, inframe = TRUE, visit_med75 = FALSE, under_only = TRUE)})
##    user  system elapsed 
##   2.028   0.046   2.078