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IncrementsMin is the class that combines multiple increment rules with the minimum operation. Slot increments_list contains all increment rules, which are itself the objects of class Increments. The minimum of these individual increments is taken to give the final maximum increment.






see slot definition.



list with increment rules.


Typically, end users will not use the .DefaultIncrementsMin() function.


# As example, here we are combining 2 different increment rules.

# The first rule is the following:
# maximum doubling the dose if no DLTs were observed at the current dose
# or maximum increasing the dose by 1.33 if 1 or 2 DLTs were observed at the current dose
# or maximum increasing the dose by 1.22 if 3 or more DLTs were observed.
my_increments_1 <- IncrementsRelativeDLT(
  intervals = c(0, 1, 3),
  increments = c(1, 0.33, 0.2)

# The second rule is the following:
# maximum doubling the dose if the current dose is <20
# or only maximum increasing the dose by 1.33 if the current dose is >=20.
my_increments_2 <- IncrementsRelative(
  intervals = c(0, 20),
  increments = c(1, 0.33)

# Now we combine the 2 rules.
comb_increments <- IncrementsMin(
  increments_list = list(my_increments_1, my_increments_2)