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Summary for Pseudo Dual responses simulations, relative to a given pseudo DLE and efficacy model (except the EffFlexi class model)


# S4 method for class 'PseudoDualSimulations'
  targetEndOfTrial = 0.3,
  targetDuringTrial = 0.35,



the PseudoDualSimulations object we want to summarize


a function which takes as input a dose (vector) and returns the true probability (vector) of DLE


a function which takes as input a dose (vector) and returns the mean efficacy value(s) (vector).


the target probability of DLE that are used at the end of a trial. Default at 0.3.


the target probability of DLE that are used during the trial. Default at 0.35.


Additional arguments can be supplied here for trueDLE and trueEff


an object of class PseudoDualSimulationsSummary


# Obtain the plot for the simulation results if DLE and efficacy responses
# are considered in the simulations.

# Specified simulations when no samples are used.
emptydata <- DataDual(doseGrid = seq(25, 300, 25))

# The DLE model must be of 'ModelTox' (e.g 'LogisticIndepBeta') class.
dle_model <- LogisticIndepBeta(
  binDLE = c(1.05, 1.8),
  DLEweights = c(3, 3),
  DLEdose = c(25, 300),
  data = emptydata

# The efficacy model of 'ModelEff' (e.g 'Effloglog') class.
eff_model <- Effloglog(
  eff = c(1.223, 2.513),
  eff_dose = c(25, 300),
  nu = c(a = 1, b = 0.025),
  data = emptydata

# The escalation rule using the 'NextBestMaxGain' class.
my_next_best <- NextBestMaxGain(
  prob_target_drt = 0.35,
  prob_target_eot = 0.3

# Allow increase of 200%.
my_increments <- IncrementsRelative(intervals = 0, increments = 2)

# Cohort size of 3.
my_size <- CohortSizeConst(size = 3)

# Stop when 36 subjects are treated or next dose is NA.
my_stopping <- StoppingMinPatients(nPatients = 36) | StoppingMissingDose()

# Specify the design. (For details please refer to the 'DualResponsesDesign' example.)
my_design <- DualResponsesDesign(
  nextBest = my_next_best,
  model = dle_model,
  eff_model = eff_model,
  stopping = my_stopping,
  increments = my_increments,
  cohort_size = my_size,
  data = emptydata,
  startingDose = 25

# Specify the true DLE and efficacy curves.
my_truth_dle <- probFunction(dle_model, phi1 = -53.66584, phi2 = 10.50499)
my_truth_eff <- efficacyFunction(eff_model, theta1 = -4.818429, theta2 = 3.653058)

# Specify the simulations and generate the 2 trials.
my_sim <- simulate(
  object = my_design,
  args = NULL,
  trueDLE = my_truth_dle,
  trueEff = my_truth_eff,
  trueNu = 1 / 0.025,
  nsim = 2,
  seed = 819,
  parallel = FALSE

# Produce a summary of the simulations.
  trueDLE = my_truth_dle,
  trueEff = my_truth_eff
#> Summary of 2 simulations
#> Target probability of DLE p(DLE) used at the end of a trial was 30 %
#> The dose level corresponds to the target p(DLE) used at the end of a trial, TDEOT, was 152.6195 
#> TDEOT at dose Grid was 150 
#> Target p(DLE) used during a trial was 35 %
#> The dose level corresponds to the target p(DLE) used during a trial, TDDT, was 155.972 
#> TDDT at dose Grid was 150 
#> Number of patients overall : mean 36 (36, 36) 
#> Number of patients treated above the target p(DLE) used at the end of a trial : mean 6 (6, 6) 
#> Number of patients treated above the target p(DLE) used during a trial : mean 6 (6, 6) 
#> Proportions of observed DLT in the trials : mean 22 % (20 %, 24 %) 
#> Mean toxicity risks for the patients : mean 21 % (20 %, 22 %) 
#> Doses selected as TDEOT : mean 125 (125, 125) 
#> True toxicity at TDEOT : mean 5 % (5 %, 5 %) 
#> Proportion of trials selecting the TDEOT: 0 %
#> Proportion of trials selecting the TDDT: 0 %
#> Dose most often selected as TDEOT: 125 
#> Observed toxicity rate at dose most often selected: 7 %
#> Fitted probabilities of DLE at dose most often selected : mean 23 % (21 %, 26 %) 
#> The summary table of the final TDEOT across all simulations
#>     Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.  
#>    137.6   143.9   150.2   150.2   156.5   162.8  
#> The summary table of the final ratios of the TDEOT across all simulations
#>     Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.  
#>    2.206   2.209   2.212   2.212   2.215   2.218  
#> The summary table of the final TDDT across all simulations
#>     Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.  
#>    155.6   162.5   169.3   169.3   176.2   183.1  
#> The summary table of dose levels, the optimal dose
#>  to recommend for subsequent study across all simulations
#>     Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.  
#>    137.6   140.5   143.5   143.5   146.4   149.4  
#> The summary table of the final ratios of the optimal dose for stopping across
#>                   all simulations
#>     Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.  
#>    2.206   2.606   3.006   3.006   3.406   3.806  
#> Stop reason triggered:
#>  ≥ 36 patients dosed :  100 %
#>  Stopped because of missing dose :  0 %
#> Target Gstar, the dose which gives the maximum gain value was 130.0097 
#> Target Gstar at dose Grid was 125 
#> The summary table of the final Gstar across all simulations
#>     Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.  
#>    146.2   147.0   147.8   147.8   148.6   149.4  
#> The summary table of the final ratios of the Gstar across all simulations
#>     Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.  
#>    3.799   3.801   3.802   3.802   3.804   3.806  
#> The summary table of dose levels, the optimal dose
#>  to recommend for subsequent study across all simulations
#>     Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.  
#>    137.6   140.5   143.5   143.5   146.4   149.4  
#> The summary table of the final ratios of the optimal dose for stopping across
#>         all simulations
#>     Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.  
#>    2.206   2.606   3.006   3.006   3.406   3.806  
#> Fitted expected efficacy level at dose most often selected : mean 1 (1, 1) 
#> Stop reason triggered:
#>  ≥ 36 patients dosed :  100 %
#>  Stopped because of missing dose :  0 %

# Example where DLE and efficacy samples are involved.
# Please refer to design-method 'simulate DualResponsesSamplesDesign' examples for details.

# Specify the next best rule.
my_next_best <- NextBestMaxGainSamples(
  prob_target_drt = 0.35,
  prob_target_eot = 0.3,
  derive = function(samples) {
    as.numeric(quantile(samples, prob = 0.3))
  mg_derive = function(mg_samples) {
    as.numeric(quantile(mg_samples, prob = 0.5))

# Specify the design.
my_design <- DualResponsesSamplesDesign(
  nextBest = my_next_best,
  cohort_size = my_size,
  startingDose = 25,
  model = dle_model,
  eff_model = eff_model,
  data = emptydata,
  stopping = my_stopping,
  increments = my_increments

# For illustration purpose 50 burn-ins to generate 200 samples are used.
my_options <- McmcOptions(burnin = 50, step = 2, samples = 200)

# For illustration purpose 2 simulation are created.
my_sim <- simulate(
  object = my_design,
  args = NULL,
  trueDLE = my_truth_dle,
  trueEff = my_truth_eff,
  trueNu = 1 / 0.025,
  nsim = 2,
  mcmcOptions = my_options,
  seed = 819,
  parallel = FALSE

# Produce a summary of the simulations.
  trueDLE = my_truth_dle,
  trueEff = my_truth_eff
#> Summary of 2 simulations
#> Target probability of DLE p(DLE) used at the end of a trial was 30 %
#> The dose level corresponds to the target p(DLE) used at the end of a trial, TDEOT, was 152.6195 
#> TDEOT at dose Grid was 150 
#> Target p(DLE) used during a trial was 35 %
#> The dose level corresponds to the target p(DLE) used during a trial, TDDT, was 155.972 
#> TDDT at dose Grid was 150 
#> Number of patients overall : mean 24 (14, 34) 
#> Number of patients treated above the target p(DLE) used at the end of a trial : mean 3 (1, 5) 
#> Number of patients treated above the target p(DLE) used during a trial : mean 3 (1, 5) 
#> Proportions of observed DLT in the trials : mean 7 % (1 %, 12 %) 
#> Mean toxicity risks for the patients : mean 10 % (2 %, 18 %) 
#> Doses selected as TDEOT : mean 100 (20, 180) 
#> True toxicity at TDEOT : mean 44 % (9 %, 79 %) 
#> Proportion of trials selecting the TDEOT: 0 %
#> Proportion of trials selecting the TDDT: 0 %
#> Dose most often selected as TDEOT: 0 
#> Observed toxicity rate at dose most often selected: NaN %
#> Fitted probabilities of DLE at dose most often selected : mean NA % (NA %, NA %) 
#> The summary table of the final TDEOT across all simulations
#>     Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.  
#>    1.736  55.402 109.068 109.068 162.734 216.400  
#> The summary table of the final ratios of the TDEOT across all simulations
#>     Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.  
#>        1       1       1       1       1       1  
#> The summary table of the final TDDT across all simulations
#>      Min.  1st Qu.   Median     Mean  3rd Qu.     Max.  
#>    0.1401  75.4949 150.8497 150.8497 226.2045 301.5592  
#> The summary table of dose levels, the optimal dose
#>  to recommend for subsequent study across all simulations
#>     Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.  
#>    1.736  55.402 109.068 109.068 162.734 216.400  
#> The summary table of the final ratios of the optimal dose for stopping across
#>                   all simulations
#>     Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.  
#>        1       1       1       1       1       1  
#> Stop reason triggered:
#>  ≥ 36 patients dosed :  50 %
#>  Stopped because of missing dose :  50 %
#> Target Gstar, the dose which gives the maximum gain value was 130.0097 
#> Target Gstar at dose Grid was 125 
#> The summary table of the final Gstar across all simulations
#>     Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.  
#>      300     300     300     300     300     300  
#> The summary table of the final ratios of the Gstar across all simulations
#>     Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.  
#>     1.00    1.35    1.70    1.70    2.05    2.40  
#> The summary table of dose levels, the optimal dose
#>  to recommend for subsequent study across all simulations
#>     Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.  
#>    1.736  55.402 109.068 109.068 162.734 216.400  
#> The summary table of the final ratios of the optimal dose for stopping across
#>         all simulations
#>     Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.  
#>        1       1       1       1       1       1  
#> Fitted expected efficacy level at dose most often selected : mean NA (NA, NA) 
#> Stop reason triggered:
#>  ≥ 36 patients dosed :  50 %
#>  Stopped because of missing dose :  50 %