Summarize the simulations, relative to a given truth
Summarize the simulations, relative to a given truth
# S4 method for class 'PseudoSimulations'
summary(object, truth, targetEndOfTrial = 0.3, targetDuringTrial = 0.35, ...)
- object
object we want to summarize- truth
a function which takes as input a dose (vector) and returns the true probability (vector) for toxicity
- targetEndOfTrial
the target probability of DLE wanted to achieve at the end of a trial
- targetDuringTrial
the target probability of DLE wanted to achieve during a trial
- ...
Additional arguments can be supplied here for
an object of class PseudoSimulationsSummary
emptydata <- Data(doseGrid = seq(25, 300, 25))
# The design incorporate DLE responses and DLE samples.
# Specify the model of 'ModelTox' class eg 'LogisticIndepBeta' class model.
my_model <- LogisticIndepBeta(
binDLE = c(1.05, 1.8),
DLEweights = c(3, 3),
DLEdose = c(25, 300),
data = emptydata
# The escalation rule.
td_next_best <- NextBestTD(
prob_target_drt = 0.35,
prob_target_eot = 0.3
# Cohort size is 3 subjects.
my_size <- CohortSizeConst(size = 3)
# Allow increase of 200%.
my_increments <- IncrementsRelative(intervals = 0, increments = 2)
# Stopp when the maximum sample size of 36 patients has been reached or the next
# dose is NA.
my_stopping <- StoppingMinPatients(nPatients = 36) | StoppingMissingDose()
# Specify the design. (For details please refer to the 'TDDesign' example.)
my_design <- TDDesign(
model = my_model,
nextBest = td_next_best,
stopping = my_stopping,
increments = my_increments,
cohort_size = my_size,
data = emptydata,
startingDose = 25
# Specify the truth of the DLE responses.
my_truth <- probFunction(my_model, phi1 = -53.66584, phi2 = 10.50499)
# For illustration purpose 50 burn-ins to generate 200 samples are used.
my_options <- McmcOptions(burnin = 50, step = 2, samples = 200)
# Refer to design-method 'simulate TDDesign' examples for details.
# For illustration purpose only 1 simulation is produced.
my_sim <- simulate(
object = my_design,
args = NULL,
truth = my_truth,
nsim = 1,
seed = 819,
parallel = FALSE,
mcmcOptions = my_options
# Produce a summary of the simulations.
truth = my_truth
#> Summary of 1 simulations
#> Target probability of DLE p(DLE) used at the end of a trial was 30 %
#> The dose level corresponds to the target p(DLE) used at the end of a trial, TDEOT, was 152.6195
#> TDEOT at dose Grid was 150
#> Target p(DLE) used during a trial was 35 %
#> The dose level corresponds to the target p(DLE) used during a trial, TDDT, was 155.972
#> TDDT at dose Grid was 150
#> Number of patients overall : mean 36 (36, 36)
#> Number of patients treated above the target p(DLE) used at the end of a trial : mean 9 (9, 9)
#> Number of patients treated above the target p(DLE) used during a trial : mean 9 (9, 9)
#> Proportions of observed DLT in the trials : mean 22 % (22 %, 22 %)
#> Mean toxicity risks for the patients : mean 27 % (27 %, 27 %)
#> Doses selected as TDEOT : mean 150 (150, 150)
#> True toxicity at TDEOT : mean 26 % (26 %, 26 %)
#> Proportion of trials selecting the TDEOT: 100 %
#> Proportion of trials selecting the TDDT: 100 %
#> Dose most often selected as TDEOT: 150
#> Observed toxicity rate at dose most often selected: 33 %
#> Fitted probabilities of DLE at dose most often selected : mean 29 % (29 %, 29 %)
#> The summary table of the final TDEOT across all simulations
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 155.1 155.1 155.1 155.1 155.1 155.1
#> The summary table of the final ratios of the TDEOT across all simulations
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 2.405 2.405 2.405 2.405 2.405 2.405
#> The summary table of the final TDDT across all simulations
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 177.8 177.8 177.8 177.8 177.8 177.8
#> The summary table of dose levels, the optimal dose
#> to recommend for subsequent study across all simulations
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 155.1 155.1 155.1 155.1 155.1 155.1
#> The summary table of the final ratios of the optimal dose for stopping across
#> all simulations
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 2.405 2.405 2.405 2.405 2.405 2.405
#> Stop reason triggered:
#> ≥ 36 patients dosed : 100 %
#> Stopped because of missing dose : 0 %
# Example where DLE samples are involved.
# Specify the next best rule.
td_next_best <- NextBestTDsamples(
prob_target_drt = 0.35,
prob_target_eot = 0.3,
derive = function(samples) {
as.numeric(quantile(samples, probs = 0.3))
# The design.
my_design <- TDsamplesDesign(
model = my_model,
nextBest = td_next_best,
stopping = my_stopping,
increments = my_increments,
cohort_size = my_size,
data = emptydata,
startingDose = 25
# For illustration purpose 50 burn-ins to generate 200 samples are used.
my_options <- McmcOptions(burnin = 50, step = 2, samples = 200)
# For illustration purpose 2 trials are simulated.
my_sim <- simulate(
object = my_design,
args = NULL,
truth = my_truth,
nsim = 2,
seed = 819,
mcmcOptions = my_options,
parallel = FALSE
# Produce a summary of the simulations.
truth = my_truth
#> Summary of 2 simulations
#> Target probability of DLE p(DLE) used at the end of a trial was 30 %
#> The dose level corresponds to the target p(DLE) used at the end of a trial, TDEOT, was 152.6195
#> TDEOT at dose Grid was 150
#> Target p(DLE) used during a trial was 35 %
#> The dose level corresponds to the target p(DLE) used during a trial, TDDT, was 155.972
#> TDDT at dose Grid was 150
#> Number of patients overall : mean 20 (6, 33)
#> Number of patients treated above the target p(DLE) used at the end of a trial : mean 6 (1, 11)
#> Number of patients treated above the target p(DLE) used during a trial : mean 6 (1, 11)
#> Proportions of observed DLT in the trials : mean 11 % (2 %, 20 %)
#> Mean toxicity risks for the patients : mean 16 % (3 %, 28 %)
#> Doses selected as TDEOT : mean 50 (10, 90)
#> True toxicity at TDEOT : mean 0 % (0 %, 0 %)
#> Proportion of trials selecting the TDEOT: 0 %
#> Proportion of trials selecting the TDDT: 0 %
#> Dose most often selected as TDEOT: 0
#> Observed toxicity rate at dose most often selected: NaN %
#> Fitted probabilities of DLE at dose most often selected : mean NA % (NA %, NA %)
#> The summary table of the final TDEOT across all simulations
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 17.95 43.51 69.07 69.07 94.63 120.19
#> The summary table of the final ratios of the TDEOT across all simulations
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 473.5 781.3 1089.2 1089.2 1397.0 1704.8
#> The summary table of the final TDDT across all simulations
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 24.92 56.13 87.34 87.34 118.56 149.77
#> The summary table of dose levels, the optimal dose
#> to recommend for subsequent study across all simulations
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 17.95 43.51 69.07 69.07 94.63 120.19
#> The summary table of the final ratios of the optimal dose for stopping across
#> all simulations
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
#> 473.5 781.3 1089.2 1089.2 1397.0 1704.8
#> Stop reason triggered:
#> ≥ 36 patients dosed : 50 %
#> Stopped because of missing dose : 50 %